Seaman’s Rights
Lawyer for Seaman’s Injury
The maritime law evolved from ancient maritime codes rather than English common law. As such, it provides unique remedies exist for the benefit of seaman. Seamen are afforded special protection under the law because of the dangerous nature of maritime employment which is necessary for commerce.
In order to be considered a “seaman” under the law, three requirements must be met: (1) the vessel must not be permanently removed from navigation; (2) the injured worker has an employment connection to a vessel or a fleet of vessels that is substantial in terms of duration and nature of work; (3) the injured worker’s employment contributes to the work of the vessel.
Although not a solid rule, it is rule of thumb that the worker must spend at least 30% of employment on a vessel. However, new hires are determined to be seamen if they were hired with the intent to serve as seamen.
Seamen are afforded the opportunity to bring a direct action against their employer as well as the vessel and any responsible third party. This is unique because in most injury cases, injured workers are prevented from bringing suit against their employer and instead must proceed under Workers’ Compensation which does not provide as many remedies.
Protect Your Legal Rights Now.
If you have been injured offshore, call today and speak to a maritime lawyer. For a free consultation, you can reach us toll free at (877) 551-3212